Rik van den Bosch and Jan Kubon got a pocket full of blues and are on the road….


These tracks capture some moments of the rehearsal sessions for the „Pocket full of blues-Tour“. It was a pleasure to play three sold out concerts in GERA, MAGDEBURG and DRESDEN… will be continued !!! Now you have the chance to listen to a couple of tracks, we recorded, as first take best take, with only one mic.
Can´t be satisfied

Walk on !

My babe

Whoa back buck

Got my mojo working

Midnight Special

Irene goodnight

Going down the road feeling bad




Rik van den Bosch and Jan Kubon together on the road

Rik and Jan share the stage for two nights.
The dates are 28.11 in Magdeburg / Weinhandlung und Bistro 39108
and 29.11 Dresden.
Tickets for the show in Magdeburg are out now.
Call: 0391 – 50 67 88 67
or visit the shop, have a glass of wine and meet nice people at the
Arndtstraße 41
39108 Magdeburg

ps. next door is a record shop .-)

The Circle of 3 live at the King Bee Hour

It was a pleasure for us to be at the KING BEE HOUR!  We played a couple of songs live at the studio and talked to Micha König , who is the King of Berlin Blues Radio .-)

all photos by Simone Birkelbach

Danke! und Weiter…

2013 war für T.basco ein eher ruhiges Jahr.(Jan hat seinen neuen Job beim Kulturradio MDR FIGARO begonnen und ist dort nun als freier Autor tätig, was viel Zeit und Kraft in Anspruch nahm).
Wir haben einige Shows gespielt. Jan war öfter als geplant .-) solo unterwegs. An dieser Stelle: wollen wir uns bei Allen die zu unseren Konzerten gekommen sind bedanken. Das Feedback auf unsere kleine „Live in the living room“ DVD/CD war großartig. Auch dafür Danke! Momentan schreiben Jan und Burkhard neue Songs. Den ein oder anderen konnte man schon live hören. (ein guter Platz um neues T.basco Material zu hören ist übrigens der Nachdenker und dort die OpenMicNight) Für Anfang des Jahres 2014 sind erste Sessions in unserem Studio für das neue Album geplant. Nur soviel sei verraten. Es wird erdig und sehr folkig werden.
Momentan planen wir gerade die Circle of 3-Tour und freuen uns dann unsere Freunde J.C Grimshaw und Angelina Grimshaw wieder in Deutschland begrüßen zu können.
Am 07.12 freuen wir uns auf unser gemeinsames Konzert mit Hagen Muster und Once upon a rooftop im heimeligen „bluenote“ in Magdeburg

T.Basco perform the songs of Bob Dylan

Unser lieber Freund Axel Fichtmüller hat diese Fotos von unserer kleinen Dylan-Show gemacht. Danke!

Jan ´s solo performance in the UK

It is a pleasure, to let you all know that Jan is going to play his first solo-Show in the UK!

This will take place on the 23th of august at the Castle Inn/ Highstreet / Newport/Isle of wight. Jan will share the stage with Kim Jannsen from the Netherlands and Yasmin Su from the Isle of wight. The name of the event is the path to follow on that evening „SHHH-Quiet music for an ever quitter audience „. The host and the founder of this event Paul Armfield, invited Jan. We are  all looking forward to this night. Up to that, Jan is going to play some shows with his long time companions JC Grimshaw and the amazing Angelina Grimshaw. So if you are on the beautiful island. Check out the „traveling troubadour „.


New Shows on 21th and 23th of july

on the 21th and 23 th T.basco will play two Bandshows. One at the POALRSTATION in KIEL and the other at the MUSEUMSHOF in ZINGST. If you´r a on a vacation  close to this places ( or you are a proper inhabitant of this two lovely cities). Come and enjoy T.basco music. We will be there!

Pictures of a great show at the MDR Landesfunkhaus on april the 28th 2012

Here you find some pictures of the show we played together with a string section. this concert was translated in a very special way.But you will find out.
Please click the link to see the pictures.

All pictures were taken by our friend Axel Fichtmüller